e&e Baby anti-colic reflux beds and pillows for happy healthy babies          TR | EN
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Let me introduce us as a family of E&E Baby.

Our brand name comes from our sons Efe Deniz,12 and his brother Egehan who is just 4 months old.

Since 2000, I have worked as a sales and marketing manager in companies specializing in baby food and in the medical sector. The last step in my career was international sales and marketing management. I have traveled frequently to Europe and the Middle East for many years. Because my husband worked in the same sector, we sometimes stayed away from home and son for days. If you ask what is the benefit of this exhausting and stressful tempo, I can say that creating solutions that make life easier and gaining the ability to make good use of limited time.

Our first child Efe Deniz grew up in this stresfull tempo. After 11 years, while waiting for our second child, my husband and I have a little bit of hesitation for living all over again. After 11 years it would not be so easy to deal with sleepless nights, bottle warmers, doctor appointments again. But we know that all these times are temporary and we decided to enjoy our sons growing up. But in the meantime, we have accelerated our search to make our lives easier as I mentioned earlier.

The most troublesome condition of the first infancy was colic, also known as "causal crying syndrome." Most of the newborns around us suffered from this problem. By combining our experience with some field research, we have prepared the prototypes of Tummy and Anti-colic reflux bed. First of all, we tested our product on our baby and developed our products according to the needs of the babies and made them different and more functional than the existing ones. We applied for a patent and after it was published, we offered it for online-sale.

The next step was very pleasing. We dealed with Turkey's largest baby products chain store for all our products to sell online and offline. In our atelier we have established, we are continuing the production activities of our two products and continue to research and develop new and innovative products.

Your feedback, your comments are very valuable for us to improve.

Hande Çapalar

Our products are patented.